Getstream starts to become unresponsive to HTTP requests after a few days

Florian Lohoff flo at
Mon Dec 28 21:45:43 CET 2009

On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 09:39:05PM +0100, Florian Lohoff wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 09:31:34PM +0100, Florian Lohoff wrote:
> > >         evbuffer_free(hc->evb);
> > 
> > Getstream does not have a function called shutdown.
> Aeh - sorry - just found the libc shutdown - but what on earth 
> does shutdown do more than closing the socket - The bug was that
> the filedescriptor still stays around and getstream eats up 
> all filedescriptors which means they are not closed. 

Okay - google answers a bit but the outcome says we dont need it. The
shutdown will send FIN regardless of the filedescriptor state e.g. close.

The assumption is that we have multiple references to the same
socket so a close will not close as its not the last ref but the socket
will stay around. As we are not dealing with forking or dup there
can only be one reference so the shutdown should be unnecessary and
the close will drop it.

Florian Lohoff                                         flo at
"Es ist ein grobes Missverständnis und eine Fehlwahrnehmung, dem Staat
im Internet Zensur- und Überwachungsabsichten zu unterstellen."
- - Bundesminister Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble -- 10. Juli in Berlin 
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