getstream died right after startup

Frederik Kriewitz frederik at
Thu Feb 26 17:38:31 CET 2009

2009/2/26 Florian Lohoff <flo at>:
> Aborted means the watchdog killed getstream with a SIGABRT ...

I had some problems with the watchdog too.
An older system with 2.6.18 Kernel completely blocked the System (no
userspace threads were running for several seconds). Once it was
working again the watchdog killed getstream in the middle of
processing the dvb buffer overflow (EOVERFLOW error).

On another system initialisation of a "Fujitsu Siemens Activy DVB-S
Budget Card" sometimes takes more than a second, resulting in the
watchdog killing getstream accidentally again.

Try to disable the watchdog by commenting out init_guard_thread(); at
the end of getstream.c

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