wayproblem processing // code // nrw/nds/rlp/owl

Florian Lohoff f at zz.de
Fr Mai 4 16:43:39 CEST 2018

ich habe das wayproblem processing in meine normale pipeline mit
eingebaut - d.h. alle ~30 Minuten gibt es jetzt neu:


Das dingen wird sich bestimmt die nächsten tage immer mal wieder
wandeln. Da sind Tonnen an dingen drin mit denen ich auch nicht so
glücklich bin. D.h. verschiedene "Fehler" werde ich bestimmt in 
separate layer verschieben.

Aber das lebt eben vom Feedback - Wenn ihr false positives/negatives
habt dann her damit. Das mit dem footway ohne bicycle=yes/no muss
in einen separaten layer. Das ist per se kein Fehler. Aber ein fehlendes
bicycle=yes ist halt ärgerlich im routing.

Hier der aktuelle code.

	if (!taglist.has_key("highway")) {

	if (taglist.highway_should_have_ref()) {
		if (!taglist.has_key_value("junction", "roundabout")) {
			if (!taglist.has_key("ref")) {
				writer.writeWay(way, "ref", "highway should have ref");

	if (!taglist.highway_may_have_ref()) {
		if (taglist.has_key("ref")) {
			writer.writeWay(way, "ref", "highway should not have ref");

		std::vector<const char *>	accesstags={
			"access", "vehicle", "motor_vehicle", "motorcycle",
			"motorcar", "hgv", "psv", "bicycle", "foot",
			"goods", "mofa", "moped", "horse"};

		if (taglist.is_public()) {
			for(auto key : accesstags) {
				const char *value=taglist.get_value_by_key(key);
				if (!value)
				if (!strcmp(value, "permissive")) {
					writer.writeWay(way, "default", "public highway cant have permissive access tags");
				} else if (!strcmp(value, "private")) {
					writer.writeWay(way, "default", "public highway cant have private access tags");
				} else if (!strcmp(value, "customers")) {
					writer.writeWay(way, "default", "public highway cant have customers access tags");


	if (taglist.has_key("goods")) {
		writer.writeWay(way, "default", "goods=* is not in use in Germany - no distinction between goods and hgv");

	if (taglist.has_key("access")) {
		if (taglist.key_value_is_false("access")) {
			writer.writeWay(way, "default", "access=no - Nicht StVO konform. Vermutlich motor_vehicle=no oder vehicle=no");
		} else if (taglist.key_value_is_true("access")) {
			writer.writeWay(way, "redundant", "access=yes - vermutlich redundant");
		} else if (taglist.has_key_value("access", "destination")) {
			writer.writeWay(way, "default", "access=destination nicht StVO konform. Vermutlich vehicle=destination oder motor_vehicle=destination");

	if (taglist.has_key_value("highway", "service")) {
		if (taglist.has_key("name")) {
			writer.writeWay(way, "default", "highway=service with name=* is suspicious - Either public e.g. not service or name tag abuse");

	if (taglist.has_key_value("highway", "track")) {
		if (taglist.has_key("name")) {
			writer.writeWay(way, "default", "highway=track with name is suspicious - probably not track");
		if (taglist.has_key("maxspeed")) {
			writer.writeWay(way, "default", "highway=track with maxspeed is suspicious - probably not track");
	} else {
		if (taglist.has_key("tracktype"))
			writer.writeWay(way, "default", "tracktype=* on non track");

	if (taglist.has_key_value("highway", "footway")) {
		if (!taglist.has_key("bicycle")) {
			writer.writeWay(way, "footway", "highway=footway without bicycle=yes/no tag - suspicious combination");
		if (taglist.key_value_is_true("foot")) {
			writer.writeWay(way, "redundant", "highway=footway with foot=yes is redundant");
		if (taglist.key_value_is_false("foot")) {
			writer.writeWay(way, "default", "highway=footway with foot=no is broken");

	if (taglist.has_key_value("highway", "living_street")) {
		if (taglist.has_key("maxspeed")) {
			writer.writeWay(way, "default", "maxspeed on living_street is broken - neither numeric nor walk is correct");

		if (taglist.key_value_is_false("bicycle")) {
			writer.writeWay(way, "default", "living_street with bicycle=no is broken");
		if (taglist.key_value_is_true("bicycle")) {
			writer.writeWay(way, "redundant", "living_street with bicycle=yes is redundant");

		if (taglist.key_value_is_false("foot")) {
			writer.writeWay(way, "default", "foot=no on living_street is broken");
		if (taglist.key_value_is_true("foot")) {
			writer.writeWay(way, "redundant", "foot=yes on living_street is redundant");

		if (taglist.key_value_is_false("vehicle")) {
			writer.writeWay(way, "default", "vehicle=no on living_street is broken");
		if (taglist.key_value_is_true("vehicle")) {
			writer.writeWay(way, "redundant", "vehicle=yes on living_street is redundant");


	if (taglist.has_key_value("highway", "cycleway")) {
		if (taglist.key_value_is_true("bicycle")) {
			writer.writeWay(way, "redundant", "bicycle=yes on cycleway is redundant");
		if (taglist.key_value_is_false("bicycle")) {
			writer.writeWay(way, "default", "bicycle=no on cycleway is broken");
		if (taglist.has_key_value("vehicle", "yes")) {
			writer.writeWay(way, "default", "vehicle=yes on cycleway is broken as its not a cycleway");
		if (taglist.has_key_value("vehicle", "no")) {
			writer.writeWay(way, "default", "vehicle=no on cycleway is broken as bicycle is a vehicle");

	if (taglist.key_value_is_true("vehicle")) {
		if (taglist.key_value_is_false("motor_vehicle")) {
			writer.writeWay(way, "default", "vehicle=yes and motor_vehicle=no should be bicyle");
		} else if (taglist.key_value_is_true("motor_vehicle")) {
			writer.writeWay(way, "redundant", "vehicle=yes and motor_vehicle=yes is redundant");

	if (taglist.key_value_is_true("motor_vehicle")) {
		if (taglist.key_value_is_false("motorcycle")) {
			writer.writeWay(way, "default", "motor_vehicle=yes and motorcycle=no should be motorcar + hgv");
		} else if (taglist.key_value_is_true("motorcycle")) {
			writer.writeWay(way, "redundant", "motor_vehicle=yes and motorcycle=yes is redundant");

		if (taglist.key_value_is_false("motorcar")) {
			writer.writeWay(way, "default", "motor_vehicle=yes and motorcar=no should be motorcycle");
		} else if (taglist.key_value_is_true("motorcar")) {
			writer.writeWay(way, "redundant", "motor_vehicle=yes and motorcar=yes is redundant");

		if (taglist.key_value_is_false("hgv")) {
			writer.writeWay(way, "default", "motor_vehicle=yes and hgv=no should be motorcar");
		} else if (taglist.key_value_is_true("hgv")) {
			writer.writeWay(way, "redundant", "motor_vehicle=yes and hgv=yes is redundant");

	if (taglist.key_value_is_false("tunnel")) {
		writer.writeWay(way, "redundant", "tunnel=no ist redundant");
	if (taglist.key_value_is_false("construction")) {
		writer.writeWay(way, "redundant", "construction=no ist redundant");
	if (taglist.key_value_is_false("oneway")) {
		writer.writeWay(way, "redundant", "oneway=no ist redundant");

	if (taglist.has_key_value("junction", "roundabout")) {
		if (taglist.has_key("name")) {
			writer.writeWay(way, "default", "name on roundabout is most like an error");
		if (taglist.has_key("ref")) {
			writer.writeWay(way, "default", "ref on roundabout is most like an error");
		if (taglist.has_key("oneway")) {
			writer.writeWay(way, "redundant", "oneway on roundabout is redundant");

Florian Lohoff                                                 f at zz.de
             UTF-8 Test: The 🐈 ran after a 🐁, but the 🐁 ran away

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